Awareness Raising on Energy Label
Reducing energy use is synonymous to reducing emissions. As Mauritius relies heavily on fossil fuel imports, energy efficiency has an added benefit with respect to energy security since it can be used to reduce the level of energy imports.
One of the measures introduced by the EEMO since 2017 is mandatory energy labelling for refrigerating appliances, electric dishwashers and electric oven through the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Regulated Machinery) Regulations. The aim of energy labelling is to reduce electricity consumption in the household sector through the promotion of more energy efficient appliance. The regulations make it mandatory for dealers to affix energy labels on these appliances in their showrooms. Energy labels basically display the energy performance of the appliance through the energy efficiency class which ranges from (A+++ to G).
In Mauritius, due to the relatively small market size, the European Union (EU) energy label format has been adopted to allow dealers to import a range of appliances without having to incur additional cost for testing.
As of March 2021, the EU have reviewed their existing energy label format for refrigerating appliances and dishwashers to allow for further improvement in energy efficiency gains and incite manufacturers to push for technological advancement. To cater for the new energy labels, the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Regulated Machinery) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 came in operation on June 01, 2022.
The main differences between the existing and the new energy labels are as follows:
a) The Energy Efficiency Classes have been rescaled from A+++ to G to A to G;
b) The new Energy Label comprises a QR Code on the top right-hand side.
Amendments were brought to the Regulations through the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Regulated Machinery) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 to include three more household appliances, namely electronic displays, household tumble dryers and household washer dryers. The energy label format for household tumble dryers is as per the old energy label format while electronic displays and household washer dryers have adopted the new energy label format.
Mandatory Energy Labelling

New Energy Label for refrigerating appliances and electric dishwashers

The new Energy Label format

Energy Label for 3 more appliances